New novel, Running for Home, to be published in April
My first novel, “Running for Home,” will be published in April by Bottom Dog Press. Set in the 1980s, it’s the story of Kevin Ward, a track and cross-country star at a high school across the street from the auto plant where his father works. When the plant closes down, his father has to decide whether to take a transfer to Tennessee, and Kevin steps up his training in an attempt to win a scholarship to the state university.
“Running for Home” is a fictional sequel to “Midnight in Vehicle City,” taking place at a time when the half century of prosperity created by the Sit Down Strike was ending. As many first novels are, it’s also autobiographical. I ran track at Lansing Sexton High School, across the street from a Fisher Body plant, which has since been demolished. I didn’t run the mile in close to four minutes, as Kevin does, but as the saying goes, “If you can’t have it in real life, you can have it on paper.”